Tonight's talk was delivered by Tomi Jun, MS IV on the hypertension areas we can pay attention to specifically in the CCC clinic.
Hypertension cutoffs:
- Stage 1: >140/90
- Stage 2: >160/100
- 3 measurements, each 1 week apart.
- Consistent pattern.
- Be mindful of activity and white coat measurements.
Secondary HTN: Blood pressure elevated because of secondary causes like a tumor that secretes epinephrine (rare case). The treatment is not to manage the BP but to remove the tumor.
When BP is >180/120:
- Hypertensive urgency: Regular checkup finding asymptomatic HTN.
- Emergency: when people are showing symptoms like chest pain, altered mental status. If people have a high BP but asymptomatic we still want to send them to the ER.
What we are worried about
- End organ damage
- Brain
- Heart
- Kidneys
- Vasculature
- Long term damage
- injury to vasculature.
- plays role in other areas of HTN.
- Buildup over time leading to lack of oxygen or rupture
- Achemia and strokes occur.
- Coronary artery disease occurs, which leads to...
- Heart attack leads to heart failure
- Left ventricular hypervole: thickening of left ventricle. The muscle gets bigger and stiffer as it pumps against high systemic resistance.
- HTN big risk factor for end stage renal disease --> dialysis.
- HTN makes substances squeeze through kidney vessels, damaging them.
- 50 yo F African American with obesity, HTN, DM.
- BP 150/90
- BMI 45.1
- 3 HTN meds: metropolol, losartan, chlotalidone
- Worried about: risk factors such as smoking and DM for kidney disease, heart failure, athero, and stroke.
- Think about changing metropolol to a medication that acts upon calcium channels.
JNC8 Guidelines:
- For people <60, goal is >150/90
- Previously 140/90 from JNC7
- Recently found that there is no additional benefit from goal of 140/90, which takes more meds to achieve.
Lifestyle modification:
- Weight reduction: every 10 kg lost can bring down diastolic BP by 20.
- Cut dietary salt, reduce alcohol intake, exercise.
What to ask:
- Meds adherence
- Lifestyle (smoking, exercise, diet, alcohol)
- Symptoms (cardiac, neuro)
What to examine:
- Signs of heart failure
- Fundoscopy
- Labs
- basic metabolic panel
- kidney function
- electrolytes
- lipid profile
- urinalysis
- screen/eval DM
- Look for evidence of end-organ damage or other relevant risk factors.
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