- A two-way process making sure each person understands what is conveyed.
- Most medical errors come from communication.
- Ensuring communication is complete
- Concise
- Timely
- Language
- Distractions
- Physical proximity
- Personalities
- Workload
- Varying comm styles
- Conflict
- Lack of info verification
- Shift change
- Family has fear of healthcare providers
- Conditions getting worse
- Adequate medication not prescribed
- situation
- background
- assessment
- recommendation :
- Call-out
- used to communicate critical info to an entire emergency team
- Checkback:
- closing the loop
- receiver accepts/confirms info
- Handoff:
- transition of care
- convey all pertinent info
- allow for period of time where person can ask questions
- Framework for team members to effectively communicate info to one another.
- Situation: whats going on with the patient?
- Background: what is the context?
- Assessment: what is the problem?
- Recommendation: what do i need from you?
- Think about team.
- What are opportunities to improve communication?
- What strategies would you use to overcome communication breakdowns?
- Make sure patient's voice is being heard.
- Allow time for open/honest communication.
- Make the patient the center of the team.
- Make sure patients share fully in decision-making.
- Speak to patients in a way they can understand and enable them to feel empowered to be control of their care.
- Encourage patient to ask questions so pts can improve their care by taking an active role in the process.
- Inform them of questions they should ask the doctor.